Sing Out!

I was walking to Dutch class this morning when a poster said hello from an alley.  I stopped and stared.

The words “Wij bereiken meer” mean “We achieve more” … but achieve feels too small.  This girl is giving ‘er – no holding back, full self-expression.


Yes, she’s in a choir, and her job is to blend, not dominate.  I get that.  But O my God … she’s alive.

There’s no self-reflection, as in “How am I doing?” or “I hope they like me.”  There’s simply the melody and the lyrics.  And reaching the audience.


Here’s one of my favourite YouTube videos.  The choir is Johns’ Boys from Wales.  The song is inspiring.  But look at the open mouths, the smiles … and the faces of those who are receiving the gift.

May we all express

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