No Settling Down

A few nights ago, I sang in an open mic session at Minard.  A woman named Lopke thanked me for singing.  She took a selfie of us.

I looked Lopke up on Facebook.  She’s 24.  Then I found a post that she had pinned.  Woh!  In July, 2023 she walked the Camino del Norte on the northern edge of Spain.  On her own, 33 days, 900 kilometres!

And she wrote melodically about her experience.  Here’s a sample:

I (re)discovered different facets and skills of myself, saw myself in every person I met, talked and hugged with the animals and people on my path, cried because of sadness and happiness, sang and danced every time I had the chance to do it, screamed when I needed to … I finally learned how to ask for help without being ashamed.

It blew me away …


I thought about Lopke yesterday, and an old learning came to the surface.  I’m guessing that my mother was the source.

When you’re young, go have an adventure or two.  Then you’ll be ready to settle down … with a nice job, a nice wife, and a couple of children

I wonder.  Is that the best sequence for living?


Jolanda is a friend of mine.  She’s a lot older than Lopke.  We’re classmates in the Music Theory class at the Poel music school.  On Wednesday she showed up dressed all in orange – different shades and textures culminating in the brightest shoes!

I thought of Jolanda as I was writing about Lopke.  And a new flavour of “settling down” came to mind:

To become quiet and calm, or to make someone become quiet and calm

I’m imagining someone saying to Jolanda: “Wouldn’t it be nice to try some softer tones?  Maybe beige or light green?”

I know what Jolanda’s answer would be.  Just as I know how Lopke would respond if someone suggested moderation.  “Just a little walk around the pond is enough exercise for one day.”

Jolanda … No thanks

Lopke … No thanks

Bruce … No thanks

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