No Big Deal

A few days ago, I told my friend Lies that I’d be singing at an open mic session on Monday evening.  She said she’d like to come.  “Cool!”  I was thrilled that she’d be there to support me.

Yesterday was Monday.

I’m a member of an organization called the Evolutionary Collective.  We’re dedicated to human beings connecting more deeply with each other.  Within the EC is a smaller group of people, called the Core.  We’ve taken on a heightened commitment.

The Core members have an agreement to attend one of two Zoom sessions on Mondays.  In Central European Time, they are 5:00 to 6:00 pm or 2:00 to 3:00 am the next morning.

Hmm.  I did the math.  I’d invited Lies out to dinner and the concert started at 8:00 pm.  Showing up for the 5:00 pm Zoom call would have been a squeeze … and conversation deserves time.

I felt a twinge of disappointment as I added things up:  home by 11:30 > two hours sleep > onto the Zoom call.

And then …

The angst was gone!

The evening unfolded as I’d hoped.  Lies and I had a good talk and good pizza.  I sang well at Minard.  The sleep was closer to an hour than two.  And fifteen of us enjoyed each other’s presence on the EC call.  Then back to snoozing …

2:00 am was simply what was needed.  Yes, it’s unusual being in a meeting in the middle of the night.  But then so much of life is unusual!


I had time with Lies

I sang

I kept my word

Six hours of sleep

All is well

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